Survivors Circle
It’s a club no one wants to join. People going about their regular day to day activities only to find that the mundane suddenly transformed into the horrific. Lives torn apart and families shattered. Victims of terror and their families share a unique bond, regardless of their nationality. From the charred buses in Jerusalem to the gaping hole at Ground Zero, it is hard for victims to imagine through the pain and suffering that the damage that so inexplicably changed their lives was inflicted maliciously by people who revel in their pain.
The Survivors Circle monthly programs are designed to allow survivors and their families to connect with other victims of terrorism in a safe, empowering and healing environment. Programs including speakers, documentaries, family outings, self-defense classes and much more. If you are interested in joining our meetings, please contact us at 877-432-7811 or by email at info@stosglobal.org.