Strength to Strength partners with organizations in 15 different countries around the world who are working directly with civilian victims of terrorism. Strength to Strength brings victims of terrorism, survivors, bereaved family members, and first responders together to connect with one another through peer to peer support, share their experiences, and heal in order to move forward with their lives. Strength to Strength’s global support community enables victims and family members connect with others who understands what they have been through and for them to realize they are never alone. Strength to Strength gives victims of terrorism a voice, making sure that those that survived are heard and there is a voice for those who are no longer here.
Few understand how a single terror attack can affect so many families on such a deep level physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. We have taken it as our motto ‘survivors healing survivors’, recognizing that we are all responsible for each other and that those directly impacted by terrorism by injury or the loss of a loved one deserve no less than our very best.
If you are a victim of a terrorist attack, a family member, or a first responder and need support or would like to get involved, please contact us by email at info@stosglobal.org.