Survivors Circle December Holiday Party at the Marriott Hotel in New York City 2010
In partnership with World Trade Center Survivors Network, the Survivors Circle gathered to meet with fellow survivors of terrorism. It was an evening to see old friends and to meet new ones. We talked, laughed and toasted for hours, sharing the kind of solidarity most cannot understand. As the night came to an end, we said our good-byes, at least until our next meeting. We look forward to seeing each other again soon and being able to share many more get-togethers in the future with World Trade Center Survivors Network.
The Survivor’s Circle monthly programs are designed to allow survivors and their families to connect with other victims of terrorism in a safe, empowering and healing environment. Programs include speakers, documentaries, family outings, and self-defense classes.
If you are interested in joining our meetings, please contact us at 877-432-7811 or by email